Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher Presentation Notes

Today in class we had the opportunity to talk to Roy Christopher and these are some of the points that stood out to me.

-Analog vs Digital~ we aren't "naturally" digital even though we have grown up in a digital age, we are a mixture of both.
-Remix/Mash-up Culture~ internet history has pieces of hip-hop culture, where you take some of this and some of that and put it together to remix it and create something even better.
-Analog Scaffolding- learn the ideas and the process of something before going completely digital so that you are aware of the basis of something and the main concepts.
-Participate- program or be programmed, the more you know about how things work the sooner you can reach digital maturity.
-There is an "at home" aspect of the computer that won't go away.
-Digital natives may be able to squeeze out the analog eventually.
-Older generations don't trust youth with technology or new things, when they should stop worrying and trust us.
-People know the difference between what type of language to use, like texting abbreviations vs formal writing.
-You can create your own new identity online.
-Multi-tasking is a myth, the more you divide your focus the more you lose quality.
-DIY aspect~ huge part of the web and the future, we must create our own opportunities.
-The end is up to us.
-You don't have to adapt if you don't want to.
-There is no technological end.

1 comment:

  1. Well-organized notes. How do you intend to create your identity online? To what extent do you intend to use this technology, and for what purpose?
